Xhorse Jaw M3 Clamp Fixture for Ford Jaguar Tibbe Key Blade
Product Description
Clamp M3 works with Condor XC-Mini, Condor XC-Mini Plus, and Dolphin XP-005 key cutting machines for cutting Ford FO21 Tibbe and Citroen SX9 key blade.
Xhorse CONDOR Ford M3 Fixture for Ford TIBBE Key Blade
Including 2 parts: Ford FO21 & Citroen SX9
Including 2 parts: Ford FO21 & Citroen SX9
Works with Condor XC-MINI Master Series, Condor Mini Plus, Dolphin XP005, Dolphin XP005L, Condor II Key cutting machine for cutting Ford FO21 Tibbe key blade and Citroen SX9 keys.

You are able to decode and cut it successfully without having to calibrate the M3 clamp.
Ford tibbe is 6 cuts, some Jaguar is 6 cuts some is 8 cuts.
Cut by bitting, FO21 gives an option for 6 cuts. S30 is shorter 6 cuts.
S32 is for the 8 cut jaguar keys. 8 cuts on a xhorse dolphin.