CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Auto Key Programmer with BMW FEM/EDC Function Get Free Reading 8 Foot Chip Free Clip Adapter

CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 BMW CGDI Prog Car Key Programmer
Top 9 Reasons To Get CGDI Prog BMW MSV80:1. High technical tool which mainly support BMW Auto diagnose, programming and security maintenance 3 in 1.
2. Support Key Programming for BMW CAS1/CAS2/CAS3, Support Key Matching and All key lost for CAS4 /CAS 4+, BMW OBD Key Match, CAS4 Key Match, BMW ISN, Bootstrapper upgrades, FEM/BDC Key Match, CAS3 Key Match, BMW F Series Program, BMW Enable/Disable Key, BMW F Series Coding, EGS ISN, CAS Mileage Reset, Porsche 987/911 key learning, 95128/95256 Read and Write, BMW E Series Program, BMW E Series Coding, Maserati Meter Mileage Adjustment, BMW Data modification and verification. (All Functions FREE Since Mar 9th, 2019!)

3. Software response fast, short time programming, and new breakthrough in operation safety and technical support.
4. Supported Languages: English, Chinese
5. Certification: CCC,CE,GS, CCC,CE,GS,ISO
6. Warranty:1 year
7. Free Update Online on official website, when you receive the device, please download software on official website too.
8. Get Free Reading 8 Foot Chip Free Clip Adapter in Package (Promotion from March 19th, 2019.)
9. Language: English, Spanish, French, German and Chinese

1. CGDI MSV80 BMW no need activation now, more convenient for customers.
CGDI BMW Update Information:
CGDI BMW Prog Software V3.0.2 (2019.12.13) Download Here
1. Added BMW EGS Change(F Series-6HP) [Erase and reset]
2. Added BMW E Series Program [Advanced programming]
3. Optimize CAS4 Key Match, FEM/BDC Key Match, ISN Show window
4. Fix user registration issues
CGDI BMW Software V3.0.1 (2019.11.09)
1. Added G_B48 B58 read ISN
2. Added MSV80 read ISN(BENCH)
3. Added ICOM function (does not support XP computer system)
4. Optimize CAS4 Key Match(OBD) processes
5. Optimize BMW Key Match(OBD), CAS1-3+ Key Match, FEM/BDC Key Match interface
CGDI BMW V3.0.0 (2019.09.28)
1. Added CAS4 Key Match (OBD) to support (1N35H/5M48H), Exist in BMW Key Match(OBD).
2. Added BMW F/G-series hidden code
3. Added BMW Key Match (OBD),Automatic identification of BMW anti-theft type (Contain:CAS1-3+ Key Match, CAS4 Key Match, FEM/BDC Key Match).
1. Added French version
2. Added: B48 B58 read ISN
3. Added: MSD80/D81/D85/D87/MSV90 read ISN
4. Added: N13/N20/N55/B38 ISN read and write
5. F system code increases the function of modifying VO code
6. E system code brush hiding function to increase the search button
CGDI BMW V2.8.0 (2019.07.20)
1. Added Spanish version
2. BMW EGS Change: increase EGS_6HP
3. Fix E series programming E89, R56 car English version display problem; Increase the detection of foot space on programming CAS
4. Optimize BMW diagnostics, E system code interface
1. Add BMW E-series refresh hidden function
2. Add BMW Diagnostics and support BMW E series, F series, G series DTC reading and clearing.
CGDI BMW V2.6.0 Update 05.03.2019
1. Added: EWS1-3 key matching function.
2. The E-code is modified to modify the VO code function, and the VO code can be added or deleted directly by the selection method, and the operation is simpler.
3. The BMW data modification adds support for both N13 and N55 engine data.
CGDI MSV80 BMW Car Key Programmer CGDI Functions:
1.Update in real time,products updated in zero cycle time,support model added in real time.
2.BMW CAS3/CAS3+Data repair--support change replace and split CAS computer,BMW MSV80/MSV80.0/MSD80/MSD80.0/MSD85/engine change computer,ISN code reading and writing.
3.Equipment security greatly enhanced, the hardware anti-crack,anti-software copy.
CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Support Model list:
Model | Has key to match key | Without key to match | Read ISN code | Replace engine computer DME | BMW Key unkock | Working time |
CAS1 | support | support | support | 1 minute | ||
CAS2 | support | support | support | support | 1 minute | |
CAS3 | support | support | support | support | 1 minute | |
CAS3+ | support | support | support | support | 1 minute | |
CAS4 | support | support | support | 30 seconds | ||
CAS4+ | support | support | support | 30 seconds |

CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Read MSV80 Specification:
Method 1: can read directly ISN code in the car,pls be assure car voltage is 12V above,directly connect OBD to operate--time about 5 minus.
Methods 2: can directly split engine computer (DME) to operate--connectline as follows:

MSV80/D80/D85/wiring in the experimental bench
CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Software Update Guide:
Step 1. Receive message " There is a new version", click on "OK"
Step 2. Click on "Setting", then "Check for updates", waiting until the next dialog box appears.
Step 3. Checking local file.
Step 4. Detects a new file, click "Yes" to update.
Step 5. Downloading file.
CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Firmware Update Guide:
Step 1. Connect CGDI Pro device to the computer, open CGDI software.
Step 2. Click on "Setting" and then "Upgrade the firmware", waiting.
Step 3. Updating...
Step 4. CGDI programmer firmware update successfully, again click on "Upgrade the firmware".
Step 5. Get message reading " The version is already up to date without upgrading". Click on "OK".
Detail info about CGDI BMW MSV80 Software & Firmware Update pls visit Teah Support at the top section.
CGDI Prog BMW Customer Feedback:
CGDI BMW can reprogram EGS for 2009 BMW x5.
CGDI Prog BMW supports BMW 650i 2003 all key lost.
CGDI BMW can read and write the ISN EWS egs for BMW M5 F10 dct gearbox 2013. Can read from DME and write into egs.
CGDI PROG bmw f20 2014 mileage reset OK
Read ISN DME MSD80 OK 5WK93628
Excellent tool so far. no bricks or problems.
extremely fast for cas1, 2 & 3
for cas3+ if need downgrade 10 minutes and seems safe.
make sure you have proper power on the car
cas4 F10 - ok (new key)
cas4+ F10 - ok (new key) isn from org key or dump DME
fem/bdc F31 - ok - reset mileage, change isn, change vin, make keys with oryginal key and with dump from DDE
cas3+ E60- ok , downgrade and make key with isn from org key
You can reuse an old key and reprogram it, there is a button that says unlock key. I tried and worked with aftermarket key, did not try on a original BMW key to unlock(tested on e60 cas2)
and yes it is safe if downgrade for CAS3+.
Read ISN form MSV80 result OK
Read and write ISN cas 3 result OK
Did a 2008 E60 CAS3+ had to DOWNGRADE it took about 10min and programmed key successfully
Did a 2008 E60 528i it asked for Downgrade it took around 10min no error codes all perfect key works
Instructions for cas4 F10 key programming:
Cas4 can only be done by reading DFlash from Freescale cpu then load into programmer software and generate key. It can no ne done by obd.
You need xprog or vvdi prog to read the dflash.
Q1: How to authorize CGDI BMW EGS ISN function?
A1: The user needs to disassemble and wire the cable. There is no additional cable to work with.
CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Package Includes:
1pc x CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Main unit
1pc x Adapter
1pc x USB line
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