B48 & MSV90 ISN Reading via OBD Authorization for Yanhua Mini ACDP
B48 & MSV90 ISN Reading via OBD Authorization for Yanhua Mini ACDP
When you buy Yanhua DME B48 Integrated Interface Board (SK247-F3), you will need to purchase this software license as well.
No need shipping, please pass us serial number of your ACDP.
When you buy Yanhua DME B48 Integrated Interface Board (SK247-F3) together with Yanhua ACDP FEM/BDC Bench Integrated Interface Board (SK247-F4), we will offer this authrization for free.
When you buy Yanhua DME B48 Integrated Interface Board (SK247-F3), you will need to purchase this software license as well.
No need shipping, please pass us serial number of your ACDP.
When you buy Yanhua DME B48 Integrated Interface Board (SK247-F3) together with Yanhua ACDP FEM/BDC Bench Integrated Interface Board (SK247-F4), we will offer this authrization for free.